Corona-crisis: what are we most afraid of? – Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal
The Fears of the Germans in the Corona-crisis
A representative survey for a large insurance came to an amazing result. Apparently, most Germans regard the Corona-crisis, it is much more Worried about the economy, than the health.
The results of a representative survey of the R V insurance have political scientists surprised: to the greatly increased fears of a downturn in the economy, the German remain with a view to your health and your Job at the Moment rather left.
The Germans remain mostly carefree
“You seem a remarkably carefree. Or cool,“ says Manfred Schmidt, a political scientist at the University of Heidelberg. Even with the crisis management of the policy many Respondents are quite satisfied – at least for German conditions.
Schmidt feels the Federal citizens for the past 15 years, the pulse. He regularly evaluates for the insurance, the representative survey “Fears of the Germans”, it’s been close to 30 years. It applies to scientists, in the meantime, as a Seismograph for sensitivities around politics, the economy, the environment, family, health, and private Concerns.
The survey covers changes in the long-term view on
Your charm is the long-term view, because many questions remain unchanged, and only a few new, depending on the time of historical development, come to that. In recent years, for example, was the question of the fear of terrorism. Now the Corona of the crisis comes in a special survey.
For this purpose, the Infocenter of the insurance on 31 may. March to 2. April 1075 people representative of the four questions to be put online: Rises due to the high infection, the fear of a serious illness rates? More people now fear that a recession? How big is the fear of the loss of their own Jobs? And how the Germans evaluate the work of the politicians?
“We are in this exceptional situation, especially the comparison to last summer, interested – a time in which hardly anyone, such a pandemic could have imagined,” says Brigitte rö mstedt, head of the R V-info center. Here are the results in detail.
Fear of the Virus
Anyone who suspects in Germany, the burning concern for the own health, is wrong. In comparison to 2019, the fear of a serious disease is only increased by a moderate 6 points from 35 to 41 percent. This is the second lowest value since the year 1992, the lowest in the last year. “This is a sensational news. It has amazed me really,“ says researcher Schmidt.
“There is a peculiar presumption resonates with that of the self-the health of the well and the risk is somewhere else.” The scientist is a limit, however, is that the age structure of the respondents could also have played a role. “The risk is for the Older Yes is likely to be higher – but here was a representative in demand in all age groups.” Noteworthy, however, that the concern in all age groups was about the same, supplemented rö mstedt. The Younger people are not more careless than the Older ones.
Fear of recession
The concern that the economic downturn is rocketing, however, in comparison to 2019, a huge 23 percentage points to 58 per cent, steep to the top. This is the highest since the Euro crisis, ten years ago, which was, however, with 67 percent of it. Schmidt does not consider the new concern, but for a typical German coward’s syndrome, but to be realistic. “We will have a severe economic slump. This economic crisis is likely to go significantly deeper than the financial market crisis of 2008 and 2009.“
Fear of unemployment
That the fear of a recession impacts on the concern about the own Job, has baffled researchers Schmidt. With 24 per cent, a quarter of respondents – the same number as 2019 and a total of as few as 30 years, is not afraid of the just. For Schmidt, this has a lot to do with it, that measures, such as the short-time injection of money and other financial in unprecedented order of magnitude of a nerve: The need for greater security of the German, which distinguishes it also from other Nations. The stabilization action would be registered by the great mass of the population, and as helpful and reassuring classified.
“And not all are made Deal”, a restrict Schmidt. In the health sector and in the public sector, this crisis, for example, do not strike with force. It should, however, be excluded that the Figures are underestimated, because only 1000 people were interviewed. The younger the respondents were, the more anxious they were to their Jobs, supplemented rö mstedt. In people under 30, this fear was 36 percent at the highest.
Notes for the policy
Here the Germans are traditionally mercilessly. In the past ten years, half of the politicians surveyed held a nearly basically overwhelmed. During the financial crisis, in 2010 (62 percent), and the refugee crisis in 2016 (65 percent) were almost two-thirds. In comparison, there are for scientists Schmidt in the Corona-crisis, almost a mild judgment. “Only” 46 percent of the policy’s overwhelmed – this is not the lowest in the past ten years.
“For a majority of the population, the government makes a neat Job,” concludes Schmidt. And the media will support the positive self-presentation of the crisis management policy. “I would have expected the scores to be even less strict,” says Schmidt. (vb; Source: Ulrike von Leszczynski, dpa)