Grim causes of persistent genital itching – and when you need to see a doctor

Genital itching refers to an itchy sensation, intermittent or constant need to scratch the skin in and around the penis or vagina.
The itch may be confined to the skin of the groin and pubic hair.
In men, it may also affect the head and shaft of the penis, or in women, the inner and outer labia, or internally (inside the vagina).
Both males and females of all ages are at risk of getting itchy genitals.
The itchiness can be a symptom of many conditions.
In either sex, itching can be caused by skin irritation, sexually transmitted diseases and allergies.
According to Cleveland Clinic, the four possible causes for your itchy genitals include:
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Sweating
- Tight clothing
- Substances like soap and detergent that can aggravate the genitals.
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Some of the most common types of STDs that may cause genital itchiness include chlamydia, gonorrhoea or trichomoniasis.
“The itching sensation may vary depending on the STD that you have, and it will usually be very intense and may also cause a burning sensation,” says Your Sexual Health.
“Before assuming that you have an infection, it’s best to go to the doctor and talk to them about what’s going on,” added Walk In Clinic.
“They can examine you and advise you on proper testing.”
Sweat and tight clothing
“The problem is the moisture,” says Dr Heather Goff, associate professor of dermatology at UT Southwestern Medical Centre.
She added: “Sweat and bacteria can get trapped in the fabrics and, in turn, irritate skin.
“The sweat and bacteria can also disrupt the natural microbiome of the skin, leading to infection, acne, or dermatitis (skin irritation).”
Certain soaps
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Soap is the most common cause of genital itching, particularly in young women.
It can also cause the area to become red and sore.
Certain soaps, lotions, and other hygiene and skin care products can cause contact dermatitis, which is a skin irritation.
Along with itching, contact dermatitis may also cause dry and flaky skin.
An occasional itch anywhere on the body, even your pubic area, is probably nothing to worry about.
Persistent genital itch, however, may be caused by allergies, damage to the hair follicles, or an infection.
In many cases, itchy genitals caused by irritation will clear up on its own if the irritants are removed.
Other causes of itching may require more intensive treatment.
If you are concerned about itchiness in your genitals that does not go away, talk to your GP about the possible cause.
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