This Table (You Read That Right) Can Help Parents Curb the Chaos In a Hectic Home

When it comes to parenting, I think we can all agree that it’s really, really tough sometimes. Between driving the kids to school, picking them up from soccer practice to making sure their homework gets done, it can be exhausting — and hectic. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day and when you do finally get a chance to relax, you’re brought back to reality, thinking about paying bills, your next grocery store run, or laundry that needs to be folded. And you’re not the only one feeling the pressure. Believe it or not, kids crave structure and it’s actually good for them. If you find that it can be hard to maintain (along with your sanity), you’re not alone.
Thousands of parents struggle with this. Some have used charts and lists to help curb the chaos while others have enlisted a small army, consisting of nearby family members to help them out. If you’ve tried the former and don’t have access to the latter, don’t panic. There may be something that can help: a wellness device, also known as the Homedics drift. Before I lose you, let me explain: the drift is a kinetic meditation sand table, consisting of a metal sphere rolls that silently through sand, carving mesmerizing patterns and creating mindful moments. It’s great for home decor and relaxation that both you and your family can enjoy. Read below to learn more about why you need the Homedics drift in your life.
What it does
Choose from hundreds of pattern designs and ambient lighting colors and watch the magic happen. Using a magnet underneath the sand, watch your picked pattern design come to life. You can also set your speed or create a custom playlist, from the drift app on your phone. The Homedics drift is great for inviting calm and making a statement in your living space. It comes with everything you need inside the box so no need to worry about taking hours to assemble. Just scan the QR code on the back of the box to download the app, read the setup instructions, and then start drifting!
How it helps
With a home decor piece that’s so beautifully designed, it’s hard not to see how it can help boost mood and creativity (did I mention there are hundreds of pattern designs to choose from?). With its captivating sandscapes, the drift has the ability to transport you and your family to a place of calm and serenity, which I know we all need after a long day. Plus, because of its patterns and changing colors, it’s a great tool to help children enhance their focus and explore their imaginations (and who says adults can’t do the same, too).
Where you can get one
The Homedics drift comes in 16 and 21 inches and can be bought on the Homedics website, here. It makes a great gift for you and the family, and one that you can use whenever you’re feeling overworked, overwhelmed, or just looking for a second of mindfulness to help you get through the day.
Homedics is proud to partner with Bring Change to Mind to bring awareness to mental health. Bring Change to Mind is an incredible organization rooted in ending the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness. To show our support in advocating for mental illness, we are donating proceeds from every unit sold between now and 3/31/2023.
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