Risk From Variants Remains After First Pfizer Vaccine: Study

LONDON (Reuters) – A single dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine may not generate a sufficient immune response to protect against […]
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LONDON (Reuters) – A single dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine may not generate a sufficient immune response to protect against […] Mexico posted its second straight day of more than 20,000 coronavirus cases Saturday, suggesting a surge in a country already […] China has sent over 20,000 rural residents living in the epicentre of the country’s latest virus outbreak to state-run quarantine […] More than 20,000 cases of COVID-19 were registered in Latin America and the Caribbean by Wednesday—double the figure from five […] Number of obese people in England has almost DOUBLED in the last twenty years from 6.9 to 13 million fuelling […] The 20-year-old who is trapped in the body of a pensioner: Progeria patient defies odds to survive into adulthood as […] How gonorrhoea can spread to your HANDS: Doctors release picture of tiny blisters on 20-year-old woman’s fingers and wrist which […] ‘I hope you’re not mad at me for not dying’: Cancer sufferer, 20, who was told she had just days […] Mother celebrates being cancer-free after the disease was missed for THREE YEARS because doctors assumed her low mood and bloating […] Anxious Britons buy three million self-help books in a year as sales rise 20% as men ‘look for guidance on […]
Risk From Variants Remains After First Pfizer Vaccine: Study
Mexico sees 2nd straight day of 20,000 coronavirus cases
China puts 20,000 villagers in central quarantine over virus risk
Coronavirus spreads in Latin America as cases pass 20,000
Number of obese people in England has almost doubled in 20 years
Man, 20, ages five times faster than normal
This woman’s hand told doctors she had gonorrhoea
Cancer survivor offers to refund the £3,000 put towards her funeral
Mother, 38, claims she saw doctors 20 TIMES before cancer diagnosis
Anxious Britons buy three million self-help books in a year