The Science Behind Face Yoga

"The Cheek Lifter" and "The Happy Cheek Sculpter” may sound like phrases out of an ‘80s exercise video, and they […]
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"The Cheek Lifter" and "The Happy Cheek Sculpter” may sound like phrases out of an ‘80s exercise video, and they […] Br April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Many men worry about the size of their penis; however, not many realise that […] In the wake of sensationalized headlines grossly overstating the rare risk of transient filler swelling associated with Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine, […] All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, […] Getting Restylane Kysse, a new lip filler, during a pandemic that requires wearing a mask whenever you leave the house […] Interest in plastic surgery is at an all-time high, but stigma and misinformation still surround the industry and its patients. […] While there are several effective options for treating non-melanoma skin cancers, some may result in better cosmetic appearance after treatment, […] After having surgery, many older adults develop delirium, the medical term for sudden and severe confusion. In fact, between 10 […] For decades, immunologists have been trying to train the transplant recipient’s immune system to accept transplanted cells and organs without […] Researchers from Japan have developed a new polysulfide donor: a chemical compound composed of chains of sulfur atoms that can […]
The Science Behind Face Yoga
What is a Micropenis?
Why You Should Still Get the COVID-19 Vaccine Even If You Have (or Plan to Get) Dermal Fillers
A Dermatologist Answers Every Question You’ve Ever Had About Wrinkles
This New Lip Filler Looks So Natural No One Noticed I Got It
Demand for Plastic Surgery Is Booming Amid the Pandemic. But Why?
Aesthetics of skin cancer therapy may vary by treatment type
Physical and mental exercise lower chances for developing delirium after surgery
Need for anti-rejection drugs in transplant recipients
Polysulfide donors strongly suppress inflammatory responses