Turn off a light, save a life

We all know that turning off lights and buying energy-efficient appliances affects our financial bottom line. Now, according to a […]
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We all know that turning off lights and buying energy-efficient appliances affects our financial bottom line. Now, according to a […] Agriculture is critical to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals. New research from Lund University shows that researchers, policymakers, […] A study conducted in Simon Fraser University’s hypobaric chamber has sealed Air Canada’s decision to allow pilots to sport facial […] Cognitive scientists at Lund University and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have demonstrated that experimentally induced changes in political attitudes can […] In countries which already permit embryo research, there are no “compelling moral arguments” why the time limit for experimentation should […]
Turn off a light, save a life
Identifying the common ground for sustainable agriculture in Europe
Facial hair on pilots: Study busts myth
Induced changes to political attitude can last over time
Double time limit for embryo research, say ethics experts