Putting fear of death into people 'is best way to make them exercise'

Putting the fear of death into people could be the best way to get them to exercise, study claims Warnings […]
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Putting the fear of death into people could be the best way to get them to exercise, study claims Warnings […] The nation with the world’s fourth-largest population, Indonesia, has become a target of criticism for its poor COVID-19 mitigation response […] As Chinese officials take unprecedented measures to contain the spread of a new respiratory virus of unknown potency, 21 million […] Almost everyone has something they fear – maybe it’s spiders, enclosed spaces, or heights. When we encounter these “threats,” our […] Half of frontline medical staff fear their hospitals will NOT be able to care for patients properly this winter, ‘alarming’ […] A dozen years after the debut of the HPV vaccine, its track record of warding off infections that cause cervical […] When animals encounter danger, they usually respond to the situation in one of two ways—by freezing or fleeing. How do […] Fear of litigation and perceived safety concerns and are among the key factors influencing the decision to perform a caesarean […]
Putting fear of death into people 'is best way to make them exercise'
Shame and fear: Lessons to learn as COVID-19 collides with a growing HIV epidemic in Indonesia
Fear spreads throughout China as officials take unprecedented measures to stop coronavirus
How imagination can help people overcome fear and anxiety
Doctors fear they can’t keep patients safe this winter, poll shows
The cancer-preventing HPV vaccine a dozen years on: Progress, fear and loathing
How to trigger innate fear response?
Fear of litigation is a key factor in decision to perform C-sections