What happens when your brain looks at itself?

In 1884, while attempting to define the limits of human perception, Charles Pierce and Joseph Jastrow discovered something else: the […]
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In 1884, while attempting to define the limits of human perception, Charles Pierce and Joseph Jastrow discovered something else: the […] Regular exercise comes with a lot of benefits, and not just for appearance, but also health. Weight loss and toning […] After about a year of working from home, most people have become super attached to their computers. If you’re working […] The most famous hickeys in recent history belong to Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, and (hello, there) Scottish dreamboat Gerard Butler (via […] There are plenty of reasons why most of us would opt out of wearing a face mask if we could. […] Gas. Everyone has it, everyone passes it, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. That doesn’t mean, though, that passing […] How does your body ‘burn’ fat? A scientist breaks down what actually happens during a workout When you begin and […]
What happens when your brain looks at itself?
This Is What Happens When You Stop Lifting Weights
When You Use A Laptop On Your Lap, This Is What Happens To Your Body
Here’s what happens when someone gives you a hickey
When you wear a face mask every day, this is what happens to your lungs
What happens to your body when you hold in a fart
How does your body ‘burn’ fat? A scientist breaks it down