Another trick up the immune system’s sleeve: Regrowing blood vessels

Roughly 8.5 million people in the United States suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD), a narrowing of the arteries in […]
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Roughly 8.5 million people in the United States suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD), a narrowing of the arteries in […] Researchers in South Korea and Singapore have, for the first time, developed a chemical probe that enables live-imaging of a […] Salt apparently affects allergic immune reactions. A team working with Prof. Christina Zielinski at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) […] A research team at the University of Louisville has discovered that an immune checkpoint molecule they developed for cancer immunotherapy, […] New research from the laboratory of cancer scientist Dr. Tak Mak, renowned for cloning the human T-cell receptor, has demonstrated […] For at least a decade, researchers have known that normal bacteria in the gut can induce intestinal immune cells to […] Modern research has unearthed many of the faulty mechanisms that are at play in cancer, yet science has plenty left […] Scientists have pinpointed cells in the immune system that could be key to tackling high blood pressure. The findings also […] Many factors affect cancer treatment outcome, such as the size and location of the tumor, availability of effective treatments, and […] Baby born without an immune system is finally allowed home after spending three months living inside a germ-free ‘bubble’ Milo […]
Another trick up the immune system’s sleeve: Regrowing blood vessels
New chemical probe for visualising brain immune cells
Salt could be a key factor in allergic immune reactions
Immune stimulant molecule shown to prevent cancer
Lab discovers how the immune system ‘thinks’
Small metabolites have big effects on the intestinal immune response
How your immune system uses chaos to prevent disease
Immune cell clues offer hope to hypertension patients, study suggests
New study reveals how cancer manipulates our immune system to become harder to treat
Baby born without an immune system is finally allowed home