How the olfactory system affects memory

How sensory perception in the brain affects learning and memory processes is far from fully understood. Two neuroscientists at Ruhr-Universität […]
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How sensory perception in the brain affects learning and memory processes is far from fully understood. Two neuroscientists at Ruhr-Universität […] Stimulating a precise location of the brain’s memory center with electromagnetic pulses improves the memory of older adults with age-related […] Consuming garlic helps counteract age-related changes in gut bacteria associated with memory problems, according to a new study conducted with […] Mushrooms protect our brain functions? Doctors found out now that the regular consumption of mushrooms seems to prevent the Occurrence […] (HealthDay)—Most seniors expect their doctor to recommend testing of thinking and memory when it’s needed. But a new survey discovered […] How does improved education on the risk of Dementia? It was believed for a long time, that an increased education […] While long-term memory (LTM) is known to be encoded in specific neural cells, engram neurons, it has been unclear how […] People who have better spatial memory are also better at identifying odors, according to a study published this week in […] Many studies have argued that some level of exercise is beneficial when it comes to protecting cognitive function and that […] A new British Journal of Psychology study has looked at the details behind how cognitive performance may improve during aerobic […]
How the olfactory system affects memory
Brain stimulation reverses age-related memory loss
Could eating garlic reduce aging-related memory problems?
Researched: eat mushrooms helps our memory
Too few seniors are getting their memory tested
Protects education in dementia and related mental deterioration?
Long-term memory encoding engram neurons are established by the transcriptional cycling
Good spatial memory? You’re likely to be good at identifying smells too: Similar regions of the brain are involved in both cases
Sitting, standing, walking: How do they affect your memory?
Insights on the effects of exercise on cognitive performance