Radical treatment of chronic oral infection before stem cell transplantation not necessary
A recently published study indicates that oral infections seem to have no association with the risk of stem cell transplantation […]
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A recently published study indicates that oral infections seem to have no association with the risk of stem cell transplantation […] Trading holiday feasts for intermittent fasting could yield health benefits from lower cholesterol to reduced stress, according to a new […] As the festive season gears up, new research from The Australian National University has found Australians don’t know, and ‘wildly […] Vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acids—also known as fish oil—are purported to have many health benefits, including reducing systemic […] Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a … stratocumulus. Cloud, that is. If you […] How not to get seasonal affective disorder: DR NORMAN ROSENTHAL – the pioneering psychiatrist who first discovered SAD – reveals […] It is not uncommon for people to have a heart attack when the stock market crashes, taking all of their […] Weight-control programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig and diet app MyFitnessPal tell dieters to set a daily calorie budget. […] Those who study and treat disorders of the mind—such as neuroscientists, psychiatrists and therapists—are in a position of influence. Their […] ‘Menopause’ from thyroid drugs, hair loss from statins, even torn tendons from antibiotics – your pills’ nasty side effects are […]
Radical treatment of chronic oral infection before stem cell transplantation not necessary
Goodbye, stressful diets? Intermittent fasting offers health benefits, study says. But it’s not for everybody
Caring for mates, not number of beers, is responsible drinking
Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements do not reduce risk of systemic inflammation
‘Not unlike a short meditation’: the benefit of keeping your eyes on the sky
DR NORMAN ROSENTHAL: How not to get seasonal affective disorder
How Not To Let Money Problems Affect Your Health
Cutting calories? Budget by meal, not by day
Not in Gotham anymore: Bioethics of treating a torturer’s PTSD explored in comic book form
Your pills’ nasty side effects? They’re not as rare as you think