Eye specialist warns parents about dangers of Nerf guns
A University of Alberta ophthalmologist wants safety rules put in place for Nerf toys, after a patient was shot in […]
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A University of Alberta ophthalmologist wants safety rules put in place for Nerf toys, after a patient was shot in […] Effective weight-loss strategies call for eating less food, burning more calories—or ideally, both. But for the more than 90 million […] Gay, lesbian and bisexual New Zealanders are on average more than twice as likely to experience depression, anxiety and suicidal […] Click, swipe, listen to patients and follow the talk among the healthcare staff. Now, another step in the work towards […] Taking up exercise in middle age slashes your risk of an early death – ‘even if you’ve been inactive your […] Women who live near busy roads ‘are more likely to become infertile at a younger age because breathing in toxic […] In the 1860s, French physician Paul Broca published his findings that the brain’s speech production center was located in the […] Micronutrient deficiencies, including vitamins B12 and D, as well as folate, iron, zinc and copper, are common in adults at […] Various diseases can cause hemorrhages or thromboses, sometimes fatal, resulting in particular from complications during surgery. This may take the […] Geeta Mehta studies cancer not simply as masses of cells but as structured organs with multiple cell types that communicate […]
Eye specialist warns parents about dangers of Nerf guns
New research raises prospect of better anti-obesity drugs
Study of sexual orientation and mental health in New Zealand LGBTQ adults
Game app provides knowledge of person-centered care
Taking up exercise in middle age slashes your risk of an early death
Women who live in areas with high pollution face risk of infertility
Scientists closer to unraveling mechanisms of speech processing in the brain
Study finds micronutrient deficiencies common at time of celiac disease diagnosis
Detecting problems of the anti-bleeding system in 60 minutes
Expert discusses the deeper complexities of cancer