Itchy skin affects the health and quality of life of many patients with kidney disease

New research reveals that pruritus, or itchy skin, affects a substantial percentage of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The […]
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New research reveals that pruritus, or itchy skin, affects a substantial percentage of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The […] The Stentrode is a device that is placed inside a blood vessel of the brain located in an area that […] How well-connected a particular brain network is, and how successfully memories are formed, may determine which patients with post-traumatic stress […] The A&E map of shame: Graphic reveals the 10 NHS trusts where the most patients are waiting more than four […] (HealthDay)—Of patients diagnosed with osteoporosis who have a history of hip fracture, only 14 percent are receiving appropriate calcium and […] Nuclear medicine imaging with PET/CT can monitor the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatment for metastatic melanoma and predict outcome. In this […] MONDAY, March 4, 2019 — Even when women have health insurance, high deductibles may delay them from having breast cancer […] Asthmatics should NOT have to pay ‘unfair’ prescription charges for the medication keeping them alive, charity warns More than three-quarters […] Many seriously ill people in the United States—and around the world—are not dying as they would like. Yet, a new […] It’s an uncomfortable image to consider: an elderly person – perhaps somebody you know – physically restrained. Maybe an aged […]
Itchy skin affects the health and quality of life of many patients with kidney disease
Five Australian patients to trial new brain reading device to help speech and movement
Biology may make certain PTSD patients unresponsive to behavioral therapy
How many patients wait longer than four hours at your local A&E?
AAOS: supplement use low in patients with osteoporosis, hip fracture
Nuclear medicine imaging monitors effectiveness of therapy for melanoma patients
High Deductibles May Threaten Breast Cancer Patients’ Survival
Asthma patients should not have to pay ‘unfair’ prescription charges
Tools to help seriously ill patients near death make decisions about their care aren’t commonly used in routine practice
Physical restraint doesn’t protect patients – there are better alternatives