Experimental drug can encourage bone growth in children with dwarfism

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia and seven other medical institutions report that an […]
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Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia and seven other medical institutions report that an […] Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone — including physicians. In 2011, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical […] Eating later in the day may contribute to weight gain, according to a new study to be presented Saturday at […] The Deciphering Developmental Disorders study has discovered that only a small fraction of rare, undiagnosed developmental disorders in the British […] New algorithms take advantage of multiple smart watch sensors to accurately monitor wearers’ sleep patterns. As well as obtaining rich […] Up to two years following elective, arthroscopic hip surgery, a substantial proportion of patients reported troubling new health issues ranging […] It’s no secret that many teenagers stay up late to scroll through social media or catch up with friends on […] Sleeping less than six hours or waking up several times in the night is associated with an increased risk of […] Screen time from computers, phones, tablet computers, video games, TV and other screen-based devices is associated with an increased amount […] Two discoveries — one in the brains of people with heroin addiction and the other in the brains of sleepy […]
Experimental drug can encourage bone growth in children with dwarfism
Eliminating extended work shifts improves sleep duration for senior resident physicians: Hours slept per week increased by 8 percent among pediatric resident physicians who worked a rapid cycling work roster
Eating later in the day may be associated with obesity
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New smart watch algorithms can help identify why you are sleeping poorly
Hidden health problems can appear up to two years after elective hip surgeries: Even when surgeries are successful, patients report more pain, arthritis and other ailments
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Change in brain cells linked to opiate addiction, narcolepsy: Chemical messengers abundant in heroin users, lacking in narcolepsy