Bigger cities boost ‘social crimes’

As cities grow in size, crime grows even faster. But while certain types of crime — car theft and robbery, […]
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As cities grow in size, crime grows even faster. But while certain types of crime — car theft and robbery, […] Female mice housed alone during adolescence show atypical development of the prefrontal cortex and resort to habitual behavior in adulthood, […] A quirk of the body clock that lures some people to sleep at 8 p.m., enabling them to greet the […] Why are we willing to pay much more for a six pack of craft beer, a locally produced bottle of […] Scientists have long known that the support of friends and family plays a key role in protecting people’s physical health. […] For decades, articles in research journals and the popular press alike have reported that being a family caregiver takes a […] Attention managers: the next time you need to inspire your team creatively, be more attentive to your employees’ feelings when […] Infants as young as five months can differentiate laughter between friends and that between strangers, finds a new study by […] Agriculture is critical to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals. New research from Lund University shows that researchers, policymakers, […] It’s been said that variety is the spice of life, and now scientists say variety in your social circle may […]
Bigger cities boost ‘social crimes’
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