New doctors’ DNA ages six times faster than normal in first year

In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of newly minted doctors will start the most intense year of […]
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In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of newly minted doctors will start the most intense year of […] Mother celebrates being cancer-free after the disease was missed for THREE YEARS because doctors assumed her low mood and bloating […] Energy drinks may make you five times more likely to have a stroke, as experts warn caffeine-packed pop could be […] Black adults experience dangerous spikes in high blood pressure, called a hypertensive crisis, at a rate that is five times […] Teenager was in agony after her fallopian tube spontaneously twisted FOUR times The horrific ordeal of the teenager who was […] Infertile men are up to THREE TIMES more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer, study finds Being unable to have […]
New doctors’ DNA ages six times faster than normal in first year
Mother, 38, claims she saw doctors 20 TIMES before cancer diagnosis
Energy drinks may make you five times more likely to have a stroke
Dangerous blood pressure spikes among blacks happen five times more often than average
Teenager was in agony after her fallopian tube twisted FOUR times
Infertile men are more likely to develop prostate cancer