Insects die: Every third insect species in Germany is at risk

The insects die in Germany, takes on serious proportions

In the last decades in Germany, there are continuously fewer insects. The development has now reached worrying proportions. According to the nature protection Federation Germany (NABU) has already threatened a third of insect species in this country from extinction.

Why die so many insects? This question of the NABU and the Justus want-Liebig-University of Giessen, now in the framework of a comprehensive research project to clarify. The aim of the project is to capture the insect diversity in German nature conservation areas, and to document and determine what food will be used plants of the individual insects.

A third of all insect species, threatened

“A third of the 33,000 in Germany-occurring insect species is at risk,” stresses NABU Chairman Leif Miller in a press release to the new project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for education and research (BMBF), with 4.2 million Euro. Miller assumes that especially the intensive use of land is for the insects to die responsible. The project aims to clarify, among other things, how the use of pesticides and the loss of insect-friendly structures through the agricultural areas impact areas on adjacent nature reserve.

Insects for the Ecosystem and for the people is irreplaceable

“The Functioning of nearly all Ecosystems depend on insects,” writes the NABU in a FAQ for the insects to die. They are for man and nature are irreplaceable. Because insects perform a variety of tasks in nature:

  • They serve as a food source for birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
  • They pollinate worldwide, approximately 90 percent of all plant species in order to ensure that the majority of human and animal nutrition.
  • The balance between Beneficial organisms and pests prevents damage in forestry and agriculture.
  • As recyclers of organic matter such as plant debris and animal corpses to play with insects a key role in the remineralization of soils.

Calling all garden owners: Promotes insects

Many people today want to an easy-care garden. In gravel beds, on the plate surfaces and in monotonous Turf insects do not find enough food. Every garden owner can contribute its part, the insects will die as a curb. Because “together of all the private gardens of Germany, resulting in a surface that is approximately half as large as all of the protection regions in Germany”, the NABU, in a communication to consider. This shows the enormous potential in our gardens.

A simple remedy for an insect-friendly garden

Simple measures can be achieved in a short period of time that the garden insect friendly. “With a wild, perennial beds, a dead corner, or just a wild little section in the garden, anyone can create a habitat for insects”, the NABU. These measures also require hardly any maintenance. In return, the garden owners benefit, because a greater biodiversity in the garden keeps unwanted insects away and plants healthy. (vb)