On World Sleep Day, new research reveals the socioeconomic impact of insomnia on global populations

- While approximately half of all adults are expected to experience some insomnia symptoms across the countries studied, one in 12 adults (approx. 8%) suffer from chronic insomnia.
- The annual economic cost of chronic insomnia due to productivity loss and in terms of gross domestic product (GPD) output, ranges from $1.8 billion in Portugal to $207.5 billion in the US. In terms of percentage of total GDP, this ranges from 0.64% in Austria to 1.31%, each, in the UK and Switzerland.
- An individual suffering from insomnia would on average be willing to trade an estimated 14.0% of their per capita annual household income to recuperate the associated well-being loss. This translates to annual ‘hidden’ costs in the working-age population, ranging from $1.5 billion in Norway to $127.1 billion in the US, which reflect the aggregated value that working-age adults with insomnia from each country would be willing to trade.
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