Babies from 6 months to the dentist

From now on, by law, parents are assured already from the sixth month of life your child is entitled to three dental screening. In the investigations up to the full 33 years of age. Month of life of the children, parents receive practical tips on oral health and a guide to daily proper brushing your child’s.
New in the power catalogue of statutory health insurance funds fluoride are also applications: Of 6. up to 72 years of age. Month of life of a child can be applied in the dentist’s office twice per Calendar year fluoride varnish to harden the tooth enamel. Before 1. July 2019, the dental medical care only from the 30 was. Month of life of the child are provided.
Although caries is a disease passed in Germany as a whole, the early childhood caries, also "Nuckelflaschenkaries" called, as the most common chronic disease in preschool age. It is not that small children need to be removed under General anesthesia greatly decayed milk teeth.
"Dental examinations at babies and small children are important to recognize especially in children with increased caries risk. So parents can be sensitized at an early stage for the theme of werden", explains Stephan E. T. A. Hoffmann, Chairman of the Board of the dental Association of Hesse. "The new services allow for a dental consultation with parents and care of the children from the first milk tooth. So that these additional services create an important Foundation for life-long dental health. We hope that parents take advantage of the new opportunities and your child at an early stage in a dental practice present."