Back pain: Expert offers tips and at-home stretches you can do to relieve symptoms

NHS explain the best ways to treat back pain

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Back pain can have a range of causes, from an injury or muscle strain to more serious conditions such as arthritis. If your back pain doesn’t improve within a few weeks and gets worse you should see your GP, who can rule out any serious causes like a slipped disc. But if your back pain isn’t caused by anything major, you can help symptoms by keeping a few easy-to-do stretches. Chiropractor Paul McCrossin, president of the united chiropractic association, offers his top tips and at-home stretches you can do to help relieve any painful symptoms of back pain.

When tackling neck and lower back pain, Paul suggests performing a number of different poses and stretches such as:

The knee-chest roll exercise which include:

Lying on your back, place a pillow between your knees

Looking down, bring your knees to your chest

Bring your knees back to a 90-degree angle, your feet should be near your buttocks

Then roll your knees side to side with your knees bent

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Start by sitting on your left hand and place your right hand on your lap

Breathe in, as you breathe out tilt your right ear towards your right shoulder, keeping your chin up, be careful not to twist your neck.

Breathe in again and as you breathe out tilt your head down, so you are looking at your left hand – hold this for 20 – 30 seconds.

Repeat for your other side.

The Superwoman/man stretch

Sitting on the floor with your legs straight

Roll up a towel and place it vertically in line with your spine just below your shoulders, for a deeper stretch you can use a foam roller

Lay on your back and make sure you aren’t arching your lower back too much and your pelvis is in the neutral position

Place your palms together in front of you. With your arms straight whilst breathing out, stretch your arms up above your head and hold for 10 seconds.

You should feel your core tensing and your body stretching out.

You can repeat this for up to 20 times or as many times as your body can.

The Yaw stretch

Lying on a flat surface, on your left side with your hips at 90 degrees and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and both your arms stretched out in front of you.

Bring your right arm up, keeping it straight and place it on the floor to the opposite side of your left arm.

Keep your shoulders open and hold it for 90 seconds.

Repeat for your right side.

Regular exercise and doing stretches can help to prevent back pain from returning, said the NHS. Speak to a GP or physiotherapist for advice on which exercises to try, said the NHS.

Those most at risk of developing back pain are people that are overweight.

You should see a GP or dial NHS 111 immediately if you have back pain, combined with a numbness or tingling around your genitals, a loss of bladder or bowel control, or severe chest pain.

These symptoms could be a sign of something more serious and need to be checked immediately.

Matt Courtney-smith, Lloyds Pharmacy pharmacist added: “Back pain is very common, and affects around one in three of us every year but normally improves within a few months.

“In those months, it can be very difficult to manage and can affect mobility and our ability to sleep.

“It is important to stay mobile when you experience back pain, and move away from your desk, as resting for long periods of time is said to make the pain worse.

“Taking anti-inflammatory painkillers can help with the pain, as well as hot and cold compression packs.

“The heat can help circulation, allowing nutrients to get delivered to the damaged muscles, whereas the cold can help numb nerve endings, alleviating some of the pain.”

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