Covid-19: infection rate dropped significantly
In Germany the infection rate of the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, in technical terms, basic reproduction rate, R0, to 0.7 decreased. This means that a Covid-19-Patient infects, on average, now less than a further Person. Every day, more Convalescent added now as a newly diagnosed. The gradual way in a "new Normalität" the Coronavirus is a good chance, have the Minister of health, Jens Spahn says.
The health authorities draw up a positive balance sheet in the corona of a crisis. You can see Germany on a good, gradual way to a new normality. "The full braking in mid-March was erfolgreich", Spahn said in the Federal press conference. The infection rate is decreasing. "As of today, the outbreak is beherrschbar", according to the Minister.
"Our health system was überfordert" at any time;, Spahn said. Despite all the criticism, the German health system in an international comparison, in good shape, also as regards the personnel. Here Spahn also called explicitly by the pharmacist. The narrow network of Physicians is a good first line of defence. Six of the seven SARS-CoV-2-Infected would be treated on an outpatient basis in Germany. The clinics could concentrate on the heavy gradients. Currently, there are nearly 40,000 intensive care beds for Corona-patients, of whom currently about 10,000 are free.
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New Normalität in the clinic, operating in sight
Spahn expects that from may onwards in the clinic, operating a new normal can be worked out. “We need to be all the patient needs,” said the Minister. In addition to the Corona-patients, even in medical emergencies such as strokes and heart attacks, as well as planned and suspended operations module to do this. Here is the as of yesterday, mandatory intensive care beds to help-Register. Spahn announced that 25 to 30 per cent of intensive care beds will continue to be for Covid-19-patients reserved. In addition, there should be but also capacities for scheduled operations.
Successes more to defend
Given the current dynamics, is also the head of the Robert Koch-Institute, Professor Dr. Lothar Wieler expected, no bottlenecks in the delivery of clinical care. This is also a merit of the new intensive care beds register. He recalled, however, again the fact that Germany is still at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, and SARS-CoV-2 is not simply going to disappear. There are great efforts were necessary to reduce the basic reproduction number below 1. It was currently at 0.7. This success must be defended, even in the case of easing of the measures.
The local health care sector to further strengthen the contact tracing of Infected intensified, particularly vulnerable population protected groups, and targeted testing to be extended. Currently would be carried out in Germany per week and around 350,000 Tests, the capacity limit for up to 700,000 Tests per week. Currently, the Tests, especially in the health sector and in care facilities should be intensified. The test strategy will, however, be adjusted on a regular basis.
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