Estrogen may offer protection against delirium

Delirium is common among women with urinary tract infections (UTIs) — especially those who have experienced menopause. Investigators from Cedars-Sinai, working with laboratory mice, have been able to prevent symptoms of the condition with estrogen, which is commonly used for hormone replacement therapy. Their study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports.

“There has been a resurgence of interest in hormone replacement therapy, and this study, which builds on our previous work, shows that it may be a tool to mitigate delirium,” said Shouri Lahiri, MD, director of the Neurosciences Critical Care Unit and Neurocritical Care Research at Cedars-Sinai and senior author of the study. “I think it is a major step toward a clinical trial of estrogen in human patients with UTIs.”

Lahiri said that delirium — a change in mental abilities that includes lack of awareness of one’s surroundings — is a common problem in older women with UTIs.

“Even as a medical student, you know that if an older woman comes to the hospital and she’s confused, one of the first things you check is whether the patient has a UTI,” Lahiri said.

In previous studies, Lahiri’s team found a connection between delirium and an immune-regulating protein called interleukin 6 (IL-6). Events such as lung injury or UTI cause IL-6 to travel through the blood to the brain, causing symptoms such as disorientation and confusion. Estrogen is a known suppressor of IL-6, so the investigators designed experiments to test its effects on UTI-induced delirium.

The researchers compared pre- and postmenopausal mice with UTIs and observed their behavior in several types of specialized environments. They found that the mice in which menopause had been induced exhibited symptoms of delirium, such as anxiousness and confusion, while the others did not.

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