Life-threatening Vectors: Dangerous tick species immigrated

Dangerous sub-tropical tick species detected for the first time in Austria

In the past few months, health experts have reported increasingly facing a growing danger from ticks. Meanwhile, non-native species on diving here. It has been shown in Austria for the first time, a sub-tropical tick species that can transmit the life-threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus. In Germany, too, the “giants have been discovered-ticks”.

Risk to public health

The world health organization (WHO) published pathogens for years, a list of diseases and disease “is a risk to public health and for which there is no or inadequate counter-measures”, such as the organization writes on its website. For these diseases, an accelerated research is “in the light of their potential to cause a public health emergency, and the lack of effective drugs and/or vaccines are” urgently needed. One of these diseases is the Crimean-Congo fever. Infect you can.a tick species, which has now been demonstrated for the first time in Austria

Carrier of the life threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus

As the veterinary medical University of Vienna, in a communication writes, is the tick species Hyalomma marginatum, mainly in the Mediterranean, Asia, and North Africa.

However, larvae and nymphs of the dangerous blood suckers are taken out of their traditional distribution areas of migratory birds in the spring to Northern Europe.

In our Latitudes, the prevailing climate, prevented, so far, however, the further development of both the Transferor of the life threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus.

The above-average warm summer, contributed, however, that researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart and colleagues have demonstrated at the Institute for Microbiology of the German armed forces (IMB) in Munich this year several specimens of this tick species.

The comparatively large animals with the striking striped legs appeared in the Hanover area, in Osnabrück and in the Wetterau, probably about birds brought it in.

In a communication, the experts said they fear that could establish the blood-sucker here.

Mature parasite found in Austria

In addition to Babesia, single-celled, eukaryotic parasite that can transfer these ticks are also dangerous bacteria such as Rickettsia aeschlimannii, and viruses such as the Thogot-Virus or West Nile Virus and the life threatening Crimean-Congo fever Virus.

For the first time, gender was found Mature parasite in Austria and experts from the Vetmeduni Vienna confirmed.

The subtropical blood-suckers had no Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in the Luggage, but according to a joint analysis of the Vetmeduni Vienna, the Austrian Agency for food safety (AGES) and the Meduni Vienna, the man is as relevant bacterial species Rickettsia aeschlimannii.

Human-relevant Pathogen detected

According to the figures of the Fund, the tick species from attentive horse was discovered owners from the area of Melk.

The confirmation of the species was carried out first by morphological examination under the microscope and by a specific DNA, as well as the following Review on human-relevant Pathogens.

The Crimea-Congo fever Virus could not be excluded. Nevertheless, a human was detected with Rickettsia aeschlimannii-relevant Pathogen.

“The above-average warm and dry conditions in the summer and very warm autumn, were able to develop the soaked nymphs even in otherwise unsuitable areas to adult ticks, to establish probably in too low number to fix,” said Georg Duscher from the Institute for Parasitology at the Vetmeduni Vienna.

“However, the possibility that the more developed and more robust adult animals can also survive the Winter. This we will know only in the spring in more detail. The evidence also fewer adult ticks means a potential danger, as can be seen in the infection with the Rickettsia,“ said the scientist.

No acute warning signal

A proof in combination with the fourth-warmest of the warm period in Central Europe may be in the first Moment there is no acute warning signal.

However, it confirmed that the adult parasites develop in the case of a corresponding temperature profile in Central Europe, from the preliminary stages. This should trigger according to the experts, a change in thinking.

“The connection with migratory birds should receive more attention. It is important to establish also a regular Screening and to have the right detection methods, also for the possibly introduced pathogens of Europe. The same is true for therapy and control measures,“ said Franz Allerberger of the AGES.

Because the dangerous of these tick species, without a doubt, that you can transfer in addition to Rickettsia, or West Nile, Crimean-Congo fever virus.

Therefore, the AGES has set up a special site that informs about different species of Ticks and the potential danger that can come from them.

Fatal outcome of the disease can be prevented

The Crimean-Congo fever, caused recently by several cases in Turkey but also in Spain for attention.

Is triggered the disease by a viral pathogen that belongs to the Arboviruses and hemorrhagic fever caused. It is also so important, because there is still no vaccine.

However, the timely treatment with an anti-viral agent can prevent the fatal outcome of the disease.

“We were positively surprised that pet owners and owners so attentive responsive. Hyalomma-ticks itself morphologically from the domestic to distinguish,“ says Duscher.

“However, it is not assumed that the outside of expert circles, so much attention is paid,” said the scientist.

“However, we view this as a positive Trend that both vigilance as well as interest in the population are given. This facilitates the Screening of new and dangerous species of Ticks, and shows that the information-sharing works.“ (ad)