Seven steps for a great night's sleep so you can look as young as Paul Rudd

Whether you’re watching him in Clueless, Friends or as Marvel’s Ant Man, Paul Rudd seems to be ageing backwards.
The 53-year-old actor looks vampirically young, and he’s long been lauded for maintaining his youth.
So how has he managed to defy time? Well, Paul has recently revealed that the ‘most important’ part of his routine is sleep.
Paul says routine is king when it comes to good health. While he has a robust diet and fitness regime, he also makes sure he’s getting enough shut eye.
As well as youthfulness, countless studies show how sleep affects our emotions, mental health, and even your teeth.
But, how do we ensure a good kip, we hear you ask? Follow these expert tips for a great night’s sleep.
1. Have a consistent sleep schedule
Nicole Eichelberger is a sleep expert and consultant at Mattressive. She says that having a consistent sleep schedule is essential for good sleep quality.
The body has a natural circadian rhythm that adjusts to our sleep habits. By going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, we can train our body to follow this rhythm, leading to faster sleep onset and more restful sleep.
Additionally, sticking to a sleep schedule can reduce stress and increase energy levels during the day, breaking the cycle of sleep deprivation.
To establish the sleep schedule, she says, set bed times and wake times, even on days you don’t need to be anywhere.
2. Implement a screen-free hour
Eichelberger says a screen-free hour before bed can significantly improve sleep quality.
This time is important because it allows your body and mind to unwind after a stressful day. Exposure to screens, such as laptops and smartphones, can strain your eyes and interfere with the production of melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle.
During this hour, engaging in calming activities such as reading, meditating, or writing can promote relaxation and facilitate a quicker and deeper sleep.
3. Exercise
Exercise is a crucial component of a healthy sleep routine, adds Eichelberger. Engaging in physical activity during the day helps to use up energy, which in turn promotes deeper and more restful sleep.
Regular exercise also helps to reset the body’s internal clock and increases energy levels, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
4. Consider your posture
Sleep posture expert and founder of Levitex, James Leinhardt, says be mindful of the position you sleep in has impact on the quality of sleep.
The optimum position for sleep is semi-foetal side lying, with a pillow between your knees and ankles (to stop your hips rotating). He says this position puts the least tension through the spine and allows you to wake up rested.
5. Think of the surface you sleep on
Both your pillow and mattress should be supportive, adds Leinhardt. If you’re using your arm as the pillow, it’s because your arm is more supportive than your pillow, so you need to address the three key components of sleep: pressure relief, postural management and proprioception, which is your brain’s idea of where it is in space.
You spend a third of your life in bed, so choosing the right sleeping surface is key.
6. Switch off
Abdullah Boulad, sleep expert and founder of The Balance, says identify your stressors before bed.
To destress, it helps to separate what actions you can handle now, what actions can be handled later, and what stressors are out of your control. Focusing on what you can influence now and putting what you cannot change aside can declutter your mind.
Lastly, defining a certain time in the day that you can put aside to think about solutions to these problems helps to shut off the issues at other times, like when you are trying to fall asleep.
7. Relax
There are plenty of methods of relaxation that you can benefit from, says Boulad. Taking a 30-60 minute walk, especially before going to sleep not only physically makes you tired, but walking can be good for clearing your mind before bed. Or, try guided meditation, which can be a great tool before going off to sleep, as this relaxes you and your mind.
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