The One Thing Venus Williams Adds to Her Ab Workouts for a Rock-Solid Core

If you’ve seen rock star tennis player Venus Williams in action, you’ve definitely asked yourself what she does to stay in such amazing shape. Health recently had the chance to get the scoop from Williams herself behind the scenes of our My Mantra video series. Turns out it’s not just one thing, but a combination of diet, exercise, and mindset techniques that keep her going.
Here, Williams shares five ways she stays healthy.
On why living a healthy lifestyle is so important
“Hopefully you’ll be on this earth 80+ years, so you have to eat right, think positive, exercise, and be happy,” says Williams. She suggests you start off by adding more positivity into your life: “Positive surroundings, positive attitude, all sorts of positivity… and that for me is number one for sure.”
On what she does when she's feeling down
“When I’m down, what I do is just realize that this won’t last forever and just put [what’s bothering me] in perspective,” says Williams. “And then within the half hour I’m like, ‘Actually I’m gonna be fine.'”
On how she takes care of herself in the heat
Williams has partnered with SYSTANE Complete dry eye drops to promote eye health, an issue that’s important to her because she has dry eyes. “The conditions that you’re dealing with [in the summer heat] while you’re having fun can also make your eyes drier, so you have to take care of you,” she says. “That’s self-care—taking care of your health.”
On her current go-to workouts
“Lately I’ve been all about abs, and I love doing abs with weights,” says Williams. “I will do weighted planks, sit-ups with weights, sit-ups on a pulling machine… anything you could think of with weights, I do it.”
On her favorite foods right now
Williams has been obsessed with Caesar salad lately. “I just want to eat those all day,” she says. “Also, in the morning, I always start with a green juice right before practice,” she continues.
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On how she stays body positive
Williams says she tries her best to enjoy her body. “We always want something new, or something better, but [I] just try to be happy with what I have.”
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