Woman, 52, hit with bowel cancer after experiencing two warning signs

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“There is an element of taboo with bowel cancer,” said Karen Bucknall, 52, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, who was diagnosed with stage three bowel cancer in April 2019. From symptoms that strike on the toilet to complications such as needing a colostomy bag that collects your poo, talking about the condition can make many squeamish. But not Karen. The 52-year-old is open about her symptoms and proudly shows off her colostomy bag on the catwalk.

Karen’s bowel cancer journey started in January 2019, when she noticed symptoms, including frequent blood in her stools and stomach pains.

She paid a visit to her GP but claims she was told she had piles and was sent away without any further testing.

However, her symptoms kept getting worse which prompted Karen to seek a second opinion.

After a stomach examination, she was sent to hospital for a biopsy which revealed a tumour.

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Blood in your poo and abdominal pain like Karen experienced are considered some of the tell-tale signs of bowel cancer.

According to the NHS, the full list of symptoms to be aware of includes: 

  • Changes in your poo (having softer poo, diarrhoea or constipation that is not usual for you)
  • Needing to poo more or less often than usual for you
  • Blood in your poo, which may look red or black
  • Bleeding from your bottom
  • Feeling like you need to poo often, even if you’ve just been to the toilet
  • Tummy pain
  • Bloating
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Feeling very tired for no reason.

Karen said: “I was relieved to know but I was shocked as I was halfway through my degree.

“I went home and told my family. My mum burst into tears.

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“There is an element of taboo with bowel cancer. Bowel Babe did very well in trying to get rid of the stigma of talking about poo and checking your poo but we have a long way to go.

“As embarrassing as it is, there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

In November 2019, Karen had to undergo an operation to take out her tumour and install a colostomy bag, which describes a pouch that can be placed over an opening in the tummy to collect poo.

The operation lasted seven hours as Karen experienced a mini-stroke and doctors found out that the cancer had spread to her nearby lymph nodes and into her vagina.

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But after months of treatment that consisted of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Karen received the all-clear in July 2020.

While she still needs regular check-ups, she now wants to remove the stigma around what she labelled her “bag for life”, by showing it off in contests.

Her body confidence has already seen her win awards including last year’s Princess of Hearts and Classic Miss Magical Smile 2023.

Karen said: “The pageant world, my pageant journey and my pageant friends saved me.

“Winning pageant titles, awards, doing my charity public awareness and fundraising work is a chance for me to give something back to charities and the NHS.

“I want to help to empower women and children and work with all the wonderful people I meet to raise awareness of invisible disabilities.”

Karen added that she has a love-hate relationship with her colostomy bag but is grateful it saved her life.

She added: “Being diagnosed with cancer, you see the world differently. It is not the end but it is the start of a new chapter of your life.

“You will appreciate the beauty of people and you will see how life is a gift.”

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