For too long, pregnancy can be for babies lethal
After the death of several babies, Swedish researchers stopped a study of the initiation of the birth in the case of long pregnancies prematurely. Five babies, with their mothers, the birth after the 42. Pregnancy was initiated in the week, were already dead to the world, one died right after birth, as in the magazine “British Medical Journal” published a study Swepis shows.
In Germany, the guideline of the German society for gynecology and obstetrics (DGGG) recommends a birth at the age of 41. Week of pregnancy, at the latest, but a few days after launch. An excess of 42 weeks, which is also referred to as a Transmission should – with the exception of individual cases be avoided – if possible. As reasons, the guidelines authors give, among other things, the increased risk of death of the child. In this year expired guideline is currently being revised. Also, the world health organization recommends initiation of the birth, if it is certain that 41 weeks of pregnancy are achieved.
In Sweden there is a different practice: in the UK the birthing process in the case of long to get pregnant is communities usually up to the age of 42. Week of pregnancy to be initiated. “In most of the clinics in Sweden, the routine is week 42,” said the research Manager Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, of the University of Gothenburg.
In the study, the researchers wanted to find out whether there is a difference in perinatal and maternal outcomes, if the blow to the 41. or after 42. Week of pregnancy to be initiated. These were divided from 2016 to 2018, a total of 2760 healthy pregnant women, in 14 maternity units in Sweden, whose pregnancy lasted around 41 weeks, in two groups: the women of the first group, the contractions were initiated within the following 24 hours, the other only with or shortly after completion of the 42. Week.
Researchers recommend Swedish clinics induction of labor after 41 weeks
In the first group there were no deaths in the second group, however, killed six babies. Because of the deaths, the study was aborted for ethical reasons, said Wennerholm. The research results should be interpreted with caution, as there was in the case of other parameters no significant differences in the two groups, the scientists write in their study.
Due to the impending complications you recommend Swedish hospitals, however, mothers-to-be an introduction to the birth, at the latest, after the end of the 41. Pregnancy week to offer instead of after 42 weeks. To reduce the risk for possible stillbirth. You will appreciate that with the introduction after 41 weeks of a death could be prevented per 230 pregnancies. Studies from the USA and the UK, according to the Pregnant woman transferred about four to five percent of your child.
It was planned originally to study of 10,000 Pregnant women, said if Holm. For Clues to an independent review authority to the deaths you’ve decided by the end of 2018, however, the study cancel.
The risk that a Baby before, during or shortly after birth, dies, is, according to the scientists in Sweden are generally very low. Nevertheless, the danger increases from the 40. Week of pregnancy increasingly. When Holm is expected that the publication will initiate a larger debate on the right approach.