Michelle Obama's Mom Reminds Her She Is Not a 'Real' Celeb

On Sunday, Feb. 10, Michelle Obama made the guest appearance heard round the world. Well, at least the internet. The former first lady took the stage at the 61st annual Grammy Awards, and while many were shocked to see Mrs. Obama, it seems one of Michelle’s own family members was also surprised: her mom Marian Robinson, had no idea her daughter would be at the awards show. And thus, a hilarious text message exchange between Obama and her mom ensued.
“I guess you were a hit at the Grammys,” Robinson wrote — complete with a smiley-face emoji. Obama responded, “I’m sitting here with Valerie and this text is so typically you. Did you watch it?!” Robinson admitted she did but only after someone named Gracie called her about it.
Of course, Obama swore she told her mom about the planned appearance. “I told you I was going to be on it,” she wrote, but Robinson disputed her claims. “No you did not. I would have remembered that even though I don’t remember much.” But this wasn’t even the best part of their exchange. The highlight was when Robison asked her daughter if she met any “real stars.”
“Did you meet any of the real stars or did you run right after you were done[?]”
Um, real stars? You mean more real than our once and forever First Queen??
Obama took her mother’s comment in stride, responding with a bunch of laughing emojis and by saying “And I am a real star…by the way.” Which she is. I mean, hello: She is Michelle-freakin-Obama. As for whether or not Michelle was able to hob-nob with any bigger celebs than she, that remains to be seen. Either way, it looks like she had an amazing time.
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