Cosmetics: The well-groomed man

The skin is stretched? Pimples sprießen? The Beard is itchy? Our care-Knigge verrät, how man remains attractive. Nine tips für be well-groomed Äußeres

Dressed for success: Many Mämen ensure a smart appearance

As inside, so außen. As the spirit, the Köbody. The old folk wisdom says. You köyou could also turn around: How außen, for example. As the Köthe body, the spirit. After all, who on his Äußeres respects, does not only für other.

"It is a fallacy to believe that a neat appearance is used to gefallen&quot our fellow human beings;, the M&uuml says;Munich beautician Rostia Bajtek. "First and foremost, it increases your well-being." Wellness für Köbody and soul, außalso a business card in the öpublic life – the modern man pays attention to his appearance, without dafüto r hours in the bathroom. With these tips is a straightforward and effective care from head to succeed to Fuß.

Care tips for men

Hair care individually

Spröde, oily, fine or frizzy – each tuft has it. Therefore, it is best Shampoos to use, the individual Bedüneeds and the condition of the hair. "Important selection of product to Qualitäto achten&quot t;, Werner Kraus, a pharmacist from N&uuml says;areas. "Otherwise, the head can react skin is irritated."

In the case of dandruff, the hair needs in addition to the matching Shampoo for a little bit of more attention. In front of the ­Showers sorgfävalid käthe right to decide. The löst dead scalp cells. After the shampoo &shy kidneys well;ausspülen, all the loose scales in the outflow to beföpromote. ­Anschließend not to heiß förise up, otherwise the head dries skin out – and desquamates quickly.

Eyes keep awake

"The area around the eyes is very dünn and sensitive. There care is particularly wichtig", weiß Rostia Bajtek. Special creams provide the skin with the necessary Nährstoffen and reduce small Fältchen.

Pharmacist Werner Kraus rät to products with Hyaluronsäure. They bind water in the tissues, and donations moisture.

Against puffy eyes in the Morning k&uuml help;hlende gels, cold black tea bags or Teelöschoeffel from the Kürefrigerator that serve as a cool pack. Who rings when looking in the mirror at his eyes stört, can the skin with a few drops of Mandelöl massage. Also creams with caffeine to stimulate blood circulation and leave the Gefäße under the eyes less blue shimmer.

Complexion clean

Our first view is often the face of our Gegenübers. Mämen, the of value on your Äußeres should give your complexion that is why special attention. "Mämen often have thick, oily skin with lot of sebum produziert", the pharmacist Cornelia Karg from M&uuml says;Munich. "She tends to have impurities and therefore needs special care."

Twice a day a man should clean his face – "at the best with anti-bacterial and little fatty Produkten", so beautician Rostia Bajtek. "Shower gel alone daf&uuml enough;r not."

Thereafter, a face water auf&shy is;worn, this corresponds to the pH of the skin and the pores reduced. "Once wöweekly is außto empfehlen&quot erdem a scrub;, so Karg. "This removes old skin cells and prevents blemishes."

Fragrance find

Männerschweiß makes women heiß? Of due to. "A strong odor is not particularly angenehm", Kos&shy says;metiker Bajtek. Deodorants prevent unpleasant Gerüche. Parfüms develop on the skin of the persöpersonal scent. "Since each man has his own Vorlieben", weiß Bajtek. "Important that the Parf&uuml is only;m not to strong smells." At best, it unfolds on the skin, under ­which the blood pulsates, i.e. on the neck or on the Hand­joints. The Parfüm DAB gently or sprühen. Anyone who rubs it, zerstört Duftmoleküle.

Beard trim

Früwas: A well-groomed man is clean-shaven. "Meanwhile, three – day or Vollbärte akzeptiert", beautician Bajtek says. "Provided that the contours are clean and the beard hair gleichmäßig gekürzt."

No matter how much hair you have to be your face, no matter whether ­Dry or wet shave: the hair removal no bösen has consequences that should Mäfor men, a couple of points to note.

A facial cleansing in the run-up to schüprotects the spores germinate and Entzündungen. To razor burn, cut, prevent wounds or pimples, it helps the shaver in Wuchs­the direction of the beard hair to führen. Anschließend, apply a slightly alcohol-containing Aftershave and the irritated skin with a care besäfuture. "Products with Lavendelöl or silver particles are suitable dafür very gut", so Bajtek.

Creams refresh

Itchy, dry skin – the M&auml know;men. Für, you there are also products with natünatural moisturizing factors such as hyaluronic acid, milk or Harnsäure. "These ingredients moisturize and refresh the Haut", pharmacist Cornelia Karg says. Mämen should außerdem emulsions wämiss that are low in fat, to be absorbed quickly and no Film left. "Special Mämen products are subtly flavored and don’t smell as blumig", weiß Pharmacist Werner Kraus. "As well ­odor-Unisex-medium."

Füße note

Out of sight, out of mind? I’d rather not. Even if we get it rarely face – our Füße want to be cared for. The mandatory program, according to the beautician Rostia Bajtek: "Täpossible.wash and lotion, Zehenn&auml…gel short and keep it clean, in the case of suspected nail fungus to the skin doctor." So you are not waxing, should the Nägel only after läthe increase of ­Ein­soft and not too short cut off. Against Fußschweiß special Sprays or B&auml help;the sage tea.

Brow shapes

Not only in the case of bushy wild &agrave grew; la Theo Waigel is called eyebrow plucking. "Every man from his Brows and to korrigieren", so Bajtek. Individual Ausreißhe between the eyes and Brows, as well as üabout the root of the nose to be dafür with the tweezers. This is easiest when the skin is stretched and the hairs will be plucked out in the direction of growth. It ­­ensure that the Brew is not to dünn ­and unnatüof course. Anyone who has no experience with it, should go for the first Time in a cosmetic Studio.

Händ take care

You are our most important täa major tool. Accordingly careful we should be with our Häthe deal. Especially in the cold months, you are racking, you will then be rough and often dry.

Special creams für the Händ make it soft and supple again. Dafür is particularly suitable products, the move is not fat and quickly. "A well-groomed appearance required außalso, the Nägel clean and short werden&quot held;, so Rostia Bajtek.


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