Study: sBTLA proteins potential marker of overall survival of liver cancer patients

Researchers at the Department of Hepatology of Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine introduced sorafenib to patients with advanced […]
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Researchers at the Department of Hepatology of Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine introduced sorafenib to patients with advanced […] A study by researchers at Mayo Clinic published this week in the Journal of Clinical Oncology suggests that all women […] Researchers long thought that only one strand of a double-stranded microRNA can silence genes. Though recent evidence has challenged that […] Radiation doses to the heart that occur during radiation therapy treatments for lung cancer, breast cancer and lymphoma can increase […] Biologists have discovered a way to stop cells from one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer spreading in […] Cancer treatment with new drugs is lagging in Britain because NHS watchdogs take too long to approve them, experts have […] According to an article published ahead-of-print in the April issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), a Stanford University […] A patient-specific tumor organoid platform developed by Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) researchers and their cancer center colleagues […] Cervical cancer could be on its way to extinction thanks to improved testing and vaccination, NHS professor says A new […] Epigenetic changes occur in the DNA of breast cancer cells that have developed a resistance to hormone therapy, an effective […]
Study: sBTLA proteins potential marker of overall survival of liver cancer patients
Mayo researchers recommend all women with breast cancer diagnosis under age 66 be offered genetic testing
MicroRNA exhibit unexpected function in driving cancer
Radiation therapy to heart can worsen fatigue, shortness of breath in cancer patients
Scientists stop breast cancer cells from spreading
New cancer drugs are taking too long to be approved by NHS
Researchers take step toward automating thyroid cancer triage
Changing cancer care, one organoid at a time
Cervical cancer could be eliminated thanks to improved testing
Hormone resistance in breast cancer linked to DNA ‘rewiring’