Even the G-spot is named for a man

“Pudendum” isn’t the only questionable term slinking around in the female pelvis. Pull out a map to this region and […]
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“Pudendum” isn’t the only questionable term slinking around in the female pelvis. Pull out a map to this region and […] (HealthDay)—Even people with mild cases of COVID-19 may commonly feel run down and unwell months later, a new study suggests. […] Feeling lonely more prevalent in Americans—even young, smart, friendly ones—than diabetes and smoking. So it’s likely you’ve felt it. But […] While youth vaping rates have increased in recent years, most middle and high school students don’t vape or smoke and […] The cost of prescriptions for multiple sclerosis (MS) drugs nearly tripled over seven years, and the introduction of a generic […] Becoming pregnant constitutes a threat to young girls’ health. That’s because they have a higher risk of maternal complications than […] Lung cancer awareness advocates push lawmakers for action Lung cancer patient Christine Manniel and American Lung Association’s Deb Brown on […] All bets are off! Bookmaker Paddy Power thinks a surge of wagers on Thursday, May 2, might mean that Prince […] (HealthDay)—The vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is highly effective in young women—and may even offer some protection to those who […]
Even the G-spot is named for a man
I had the Covid-19 vaccine even though I knew it could be a danger to my health
Even mild cases of COVID can leave "long-haul" illness, study shows
You Might Be Feeling Lonely and Not Even Know It
Most young people do not vape, and even fewer vape regularly
MS drug costs nearly triple over 7 years, even with introduction of generic, study finds
Zambian teens can’t talk about sex or contraception, even with their friends
How you can get lung cancer, even if you don't smoke
Could It Be? Even Bookmakers Are ‘Convinced’ Royal Baby Already Arrived
HPV vaccine even helps women who didn’t get it: study