Discovery of new genetic causes of male infertility: Will lead to better diagnosis and treatment

Infertility — the failure to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse — affects one in every six couples worldwide, […]
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Infertility — the failure to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse — affects one in every six couples worldwide, […] Not every embryo contains 46 perfect chromosomes. Some have more, others have fewer. The result is a common abnormality known […] It is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), but people can also acquire it in other ways. According to […] Size does matter, the new study finds. Size does matter more than a lot of men would like to admit. […] Females are born with a finite number of eggs that are steadily depleted throughout their lifetime. This reserve of eggs […] Microglia, the immune cells of the central nervous system, differ in male and female mice. MDC researchers report on the […] A bill currently being considered by New Zealand's parliament is proposing that women who have a miscarriage at any stage […] THURSDAY, Aug. 16, 2018 — Counseling about impaired fertility and sexual function for at-risk pediatric populations in developmentally appropriate ways […] A new study shows that men only have to believe they’ve bested another man in competition to get raised testosterone […] In countries which already permit embryo research, there are no “compelling moral arguments” why the time limit for experimentation should […]
Discovery of new genetic causes of male infertility: Will lead to better diagnosis and treatment
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‘Cellular memory’ of DNA damage in oocyte quality control
The brain’s tiny thrill-seekers
Should there be work leave for fertility treatments?
Counseling Needed for Pediatric Patients With Impaired Fertility
‘Believing you’re a winner’ gives men a testosterone boost and promiscuous disposition
Double time limit for embryo research, say ethics experts