EU moves to pre-COVID normal as cases spike in Moscow

The EU on Wednesday agreed to lift coronavirus restrictions for US travellers as Western countries moved toward a return to […]
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The EU on Wednesday agreed to lift coronavirus restrictions for US travellers as Western countries moved toward a return to […] As the pandemic rages on, people continue to talk about their emotional distress and a growing sense of despair. Some […] If the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines proceeds smoothly, it might be possible to achieve widespread population immunity in the United […] Fever is common in the symptomatic stage of COVID-19, and as workplaces and child care spaces reopen, temperature checks are […] The 20-year-old who is trapped in the body of a pensioner: Progeria patient defies odds to survive into adulthood as […] Many pregnant women find themselves waking up in the middle of night to go the bathroom (for the third time) […] High blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood pushing against a person’s artery […] In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of newly minted doctors will start the most intense year of […] Apgar scores of 7, 8, and 9 (considered to be within the normal range) are associated with higher risks of […] Mother’s instinct saves her daughter’s life TWICE: Baby needed emergency brain surgery after she wasn’t ‘playing with her toys as […]
EU moves to pre-COVID normal as cases spike in Moscow
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