A final plunge for man who boosted ALS ice bucket challenge

In this April 13, 2015, file photo, Pete Frates, former Boston College baseball player whose Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions […]
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In this April 13, 2015, file photo, Pete Frates, former Boston College baseball player whose Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions […] Michael Coyne has spent two years trying to find a job, which he feels is because he is autistic. He […] World Health Organisation warns of a ‘slide back’ in global measles fight amid unprecedented outbreak in Samoa that has killed […] Men who regularly smoke cannabis increase risk of developing testicular cancer, study claims Men who regularly smoke cannabis increase their […] The People-Pleaser, The Overachiever, The FOMOer, The Pushover. These are the Yes-Men. Which one are you? For example, I myself […] Four in five adolescents worldwide do not get enough physical activity, to the detriment of their health, the World Health […] Shocking footage shows the BLACK lungs of 52-year-old chain smoker who puffed a pack a day for 30 years WARNING, […] Can’t tear her down! Tori Roloff slammed a troll who called the pregnant Little People, Big World star fat and […] Spending too many hours looking at smartphones and tablets ‘slows down toddlers’ language and reading development because it changes the […] Heavy alcohol drinkers who also smoke cannabis ‘may slash their odds of getting killer liver diseases such as cirrhosis by […]
A final plunge for man who boosted ALS ice bucket challenge
Autistic man who couldn't find job opens his own coffee shop for others like him
WHO warns measles resurgent as Samoa deaths rise
Men who regularly smoke cannabis up 'risk of getting testicular cancer
Four types of people who really need to learn to say a simple ‘no’
Get moving! Four in five adolescents don’t exercise enough: WHO
Surgeons show off charcoaled lungs of chain smoker who died at 52
Pregnant Tori Roloff Hits Back at Troll Who Calls Her Fat, Unhealthy
Toddlers who spend hours on screens have 'different brains'
Drinkers who also smoke cannabis may be protected from liver diseases