Covid: High blood sugar TRIPLES your risk of life-threatening complications of the virus

Diabetes expert reveals rise of cases in children during pandemic
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In the past studies have found diabetics are more likely than others to develop conditions such as cancer.
The latest research also shows diabetics are twice as likely to die from COVID-19.
Conducted by the University of Aberdeen, the data also showed they were three times as likely to be severely or critically ill with the virus.
Although this sounds unnerving, researchers added the risk of death declined if the blood sugar levels were controlled.
Dr Stavroula Kastora said of the study: “We found that following a COVID-19 infection, the risk of death for patients with diabetes was significantly increased in comparison to patients without diabetes.”
Dr Kastora added patients with diabetes were at a “significantly higher risk” of needing supplementary oxygen or intensive care.
Further research is required to establish why diabetics are at increased risk compared to non-diabetics.
The scientists behind the study also found differences between how diabetics faired depending on where they were based adding they had found a “disparity in Covid outcomes between the eastern and western world”.
Meanwhile, there is a new debate starting about the status of long Covid patients.
The condition, defined as the prolonged experience of Covid symptoms for more than 12 weeks, is suffered by close to two million people in the UK.
Such is the debilitating effect the disease can have on individuals, leaving some bedridden, there is now a debate over whether it should be considered a disability.
Recently the UK’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) took the decision that it was not a disability.
In a statement posted on social media the EHRC said: “Without case law or scientific consensus, EHRC does not recommend that long Covid be treated as a disability.”
The decision has caused outrage in the long Covid community.
Employment advocate for long Covid support Dr Jenny Ceolta-Smith said of the announcement: “There is already disbelief of work’s long Covid symptoms within the workplace, and this harmful announcement by the EHRC may make it harder for works to gain the support they need.”
Alice Arkwright of the TUC added: “We are concerned this may give licence to employers to not provide those reasonable adjustments, when actually, there is a very clear definition of who is disabled under the Equalities Act.”
The Equalities Act says anyone with a physical or mental impairment that has lasted for longer than 12 months and substantially impacted their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities qualifies as disabled.
The Act adds said individuals are entitled to reasonable adjustments from their employer.
Employers too are now starting to see the impact of long Covid as staff members can no longer go into the office due to their symptoms.
Health experts have previously suggested more resources need to be put into the NHS to support long Covid patients and to develop new treatments for the chronic condition.
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