Emily Skye Has Given Birth To Her First Child

Congratulations are in order for fitness mogul Emily Skye and her partner – the couple have welcome their first child into the world.

The 32-year-old took to Instagram to share the news along with an adorable picture of their new daughter, Mia. 

“So happy to meet my gorgeous girl,” she wrote in the caption. 

“Born on December 18th at 11:53am weighing 7lb 7oz.”


“@recdedmond and I are having constant heart explosions!” she added.

Emily had been sharing regular updates about the progression of her first pregnancy on social media, including the lengths she’s gone to in a bid to bring on labour.

“I’m sure I have tried every single trick and old wives tale to try to induce labour but nothing seems to be working so far!” she wrote on Sunday.

And on Monday she shared another attempt at getting her little girl out.

“I call this the ‘Bikini Baby Belly Boogie’, this takes belly dancing to a WHOLE new level right?!”

Looks like this last one worked!

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