Harmless bruise? In the case of these signs, you should immediately to the doctor – Video

Blue spots, probably everyone knows – is a health hazard, someone can hardly see it. However, for some people it can pose a serious threat. In some cases, you should consult even a physician.
Hardly anyone sees a health risk in bruises, so-called hematoma – but it is. Dermatologist Jan dog geburth advises in special cases, a visit to the doctor: “In the case of severe pain or swelling of a hematoma may be a bone fracture.” Further, the expert urges caution when heaped bruising may occur, although they have not encountered. Then the doctor should perform a blood test to determine if a coagulation disorder is present. In the case of such a fault, the blood is usually thin. Thus, even small wounds can bleed very heavily.
A clotting disorder can be hereditary. Then it is to be noted in the child age. Also medications can interfere with the clotting of the blood. You can also lead to a lack of blood platelets. In some cases, the Doctors noted in the study, which is carried out on the basis of heaping bruises, the blood disease leukemia. For people with a blood clotting disorder bruising are particularly dangerous when they are close to the bone and very deep. In some cases, a doctor must remove the clot surgically. With a bruise you need not worry but immediately Worries that they are sick. The dermatologist reassured: “A hereditary disorder of blood coagulation has been estimated to be only one of 1000 people.”