Heard of mycoplasma genitalium? Here are the symptoms of this scary sexually transmitted infection

A newly discovered sexually transmitted infection called mycoplasma genitalium (MG) could become the next superbug, experts are warning. According to the British Association Of Sexual Health and HIV, this infection goes unnoticed and develops resistance to antibiotics, making it difficult to treat.
What’s the best protection against it? People are being advised to always wear condoms before sexual intercourse. According to a study, people who shave, wax, or trim their pubic hair are more vulnerable to getting sexually-transmitted infections (STIs).
This newly found sexually transmitted infection has similar symptoms like chlamydia and gonorrhoea. This makes it difficult to diagnose it. Doctors end up treating for chlamydia or gonorrhoea making it resistant to antibiotics.
Symptoms of Mycoplasma genitalium
While the infection doesn’t always cause symptoms, so it is quite possible that you may have it and never get to know. In men, the symptoms can be watery discharge from the penis, burning and stinking while peeing. In women, it could be discharge from vagina, pain during sex, bleeding after and bleeding between periods.
According to Dr Sushil Tahiliani, consultant dermatologist, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, one of the first symptoms of this infection is inflammation of the urethra or urethritis. This is seen in men mostly as women have a short urethra. “Inflammation of the genetalia as seen in cervicitis and endometriosis; inflammation of the cervix can also reach the fallopian tube,” says Dr Tahiliani.
The reason experts are warning against this condition is because it is difficult to determine the infection as the symptoms can be similar to other STIs. “MG can also lead to increased risk of fertility,” he adds.
How to treat Mycoplasma genitalium
A test called polymerase chain reaction study can be used to study the discharge. The treatment is through administering antibiotics, but it needs to be done early on in the life cycle of the infection. If the disease goes unnoticed, it may cause antibiotic resistance. “The first line of medicines include: erythromycin doxycycline .If these don’t work because of resistance and patients don’t respond to the treatment, then quinolones (ofloxacin & levofloxacin) is used to treat the disease,” he adds.
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