Med School Bullying; Women and Cardiac Rehab; and Oncology Fee Cuts

Bullying Rife in Medical Academia

Bullying remains an underreported problem in academic medicine, with little data on its prevalence.

The true extent of bullying in medical school remains unknown, but one study found that 4 in 10 young doctors and medical students reported being bullied by colleagues.

And many medical professionals still refuse to talk about such experiences out of fear of the consequences.

Many forms: “It’s everything from abusive language down to microaggressions,” said workplace lawyer Jonathan Hyman. “It really runs the gamut of potential misconduct.”

Many aspects: Bullying led to doctors overworking, working below their competency level, not getting necessary information, being subjected to excessive monitoring, facing undue criticism, or being isolated, according to an analysis last year in BMJ Open that reviewed 68 studies on bullying in academic medical settings.

New Guideline to Get Women Into Cardiac Rehab

A new guideline aims to increase referrals for women to help boost their participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs.

The International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation issued the new practice guideline for the treatment of women with cardiovascular disease, based on a meta-analysis of research articles.

Needs not being met: Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity in women, who have special needs and poorer prognoses compared with men.

Covering several areas: The guideline addresses referrals, choice of setting and delivery mode, preferred form of exercise, psychosocial assessment, and education.

CMS Fee Cut Could Hurt Cancer Services

Proposed Medicare fee cuts could hurt cancer care services in some communities, opponents argued.

The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) made the case against cuts to physician fees proposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Broad cuts: The COA argued that the proposal would cut clinician fees by 5.6% in total reimbursement. That includes cuts for infusion services, imaging services, and evaluation and management services, the alliance said.

Devastating domino effect: “The 2023 Physician Fee Schedule cuts will have a devastating domino effect on our cancer care system,” COA Executive Director Ted Okon said.

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