Fake-News-death: woman, drink, sauce, a bottle of soy – a short time later, she’s brain dead
Medical false news can have drastic consequences
Currently, the English media reports about a woman who followed a false message on the Internet and as a consequence of a brain death suffered. Apparently, the potion, the 39-Year-old sauce in a whole Liter of soy, because she had read that it could pull toxins from the body. The so-called “soy sauces-intestine cleaning” paid the woman with your life.
Dr. Bernard describes selected medical cases on his YouTube channel “Chubbyemu”. In a recent Video, he presents a case in which a 39-year-old American in the hospital, “Illinois Medical District” was hospitalized because she just had a Liter of soy sauce to drink.
How it came to be
Bernard reported that the patient suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and was shortly before the incident released from a psychiatric hospital. She was of the firm opinion that the government poisoned systematically the population. So they looked for ways to detoxify themselves. In the Internet you stumbled sauces on the Soy colon cleansing method. This dangerous and half-truths based theory says that soy sauce cleanses the body from all the poison, as the salty liquid in the intestines pull out all the toxins from the body. Dr. Bernard warns, in view of the Case, decided prior to such hoaxes.
What actually happens when you drink a Liter of soy sauce
As the doctor reported, believed to be sauce for the patient, the wrong detoxification method and drank a Liter of soy. Shortly thereafter, she noticed the lawn a heavy heart. A short time later, she collapsed unconscious. Her husband immediately called the ambulance. When she was hospitalized, her heart already to a standstill. In the hospital, she was revived again, however, the high salt concentrations in the blood had already done devastating damage.
Brain death could not be prevented
Bernard describes how Doctors initiated after resuscitation, a glucose-containing fluid in the body to dilute the blood and the salt concentrations are lower. However, the salt concentration in the brain was already too high. The salt withdrew to the brain the liquid, it caused a contraction, which caused permanent brain damage. After a four-day coma, the woman regained consciousness, but she could neither move, nor swallow or speak. The Doctors found a short time later, the brain death.
Salt is highly concentrated as a Gift
According to the Institute for occupational safety and health (IfA) of the German statutory accident insurance, already the intake of 0.5 to 1 grams of salt per Kilo of body weight can cause toxic reactions with symptoms such as Nausea and vomiting, strong thirst, as well as mucosal damage in the mouth and digestive tract. A strong concentration of salt increase in the blood lead to the increase in blood volume with a simultaneous dehydration of the tissue. This leads to symptoms such as muscle weakness, blood abundance in the vessels and in the brain, changes in blood clotting, high blood pressure and nervous disorders. In severe cases, collapse, convulsions, cerebral Edema or pulmonary edema are possible.