How effective are braces really are?

Dental braces: orthodontic treatment improves the quality of life of patients
Straight teeth are not only beautiful, but also important for the health. To correct tooth misalignment, are frequently used braces. However, how useful this jaw orthopedic treatment? In addition, the Federal Ministry of health now reports.
Different reasons for crooked teeth
“Why, the teeth do not grow straight and orthodontics in a child, can have different reasons,” writes the DAK-health on your website. According to the health insurance it is usually a mixture of hereditary predisposition and the unfavourable habits. “Children who hang many years on pacifiers, to develop, for example, more likely to have a frontal open bite as their pacifier-free peers,” says the expert. The basis for successful treatment of crooked teeth was braces, the regular Wear of a tooth. However, how useful this orthodontic treatment is debatable. A recent Meta-analysis by the IGES Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry of health has now shown that the study location is to the Benefit of braces is unsatisfactory.
Improving the quality of life
According to a notice from the Ministry the authors of the study in the report “orthodontic treatment measures”, the result is that the data basis is not sufficient currently, in order to assess the Benefits of orthodontic treatments finally.
It can be shown that braces will reduce the morbidity (dental caries, Parondontitis, tooth loss, etc.), but it is not excluded according to the IGES.
For the study, say the authors, that by an orthodontic treatment of dental deformities as well as patients ‘ quality of life improve.
The Benefits of a therapy not of the legislators, but the Federal Joint Committee reviewed, in principle.
The Federal Ministry for health (BMG) is required with the organisations involved in the research and further recommendations for action discuss.
Final evaluation is not yet possible
The BMG lists in the message corresponding passages from the study to show:
1. A final assessment is not possible
“There’s a total of only a few studies were identified for oral health, are also based primarily on surrogate endpoints, no final assessment of whether, and to what long-term effects of the applied orthodontic therapy regimes on oral health.”
2. The study location is incomplete
“Although a large number of studies and documents in the research could be found that the identified Material is suitable to answer the underlying questions, however, only to a limited extent.”
3. A patient-relevant Benefit (in terms of morbidity, i.e. dental caries, Tooth loss, etc.) is not occupied. That is not to say, however, that there is him…
“Overall, the identified studies in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic orthodontic measures on a patient-relevant Benefit. This is in particular due to the heterogeneity of studies in terms of the considered populations, the applied interventions and the study designs and the fact that morbidity occur-relevant endpoints, such as tooth loss, caries or periodontitis, and periodontitis is usually only several years after the treatment, and hence, very long observation times require.“
4. The quality of life is improved after completion of the orthodontic treatment
“We found that patients reported with a completed orthodontic treatment, a higher quality of life than non-treated study participants or patients, and is the subject of current orthodontic measures.”
5. Misaligned teeth treatment be improved
“Regardless of the used indices, the improvements showed by the application of orthodontic appliances.”
So orthodontics is not for children at all necessary
By certain measures, can be contributed to the fact that orthodontics is the child is not even necessary.
So care should be taken according to the experts, the fact that children were stuck permanently to something to suck on or between the teeth. “Regardless of whether the thumb, the pacifier, or the corner of the Bed – life is sucking for the jaw and teeth development is harmful,” writes the DAK-health.
“Also, a constantly open mouth can attract many dental and General medical problems. Children should try, apart from eating and Talking – to keep the mouth closed,“ says the expert.
In addition, care should be taken when young on the thorough care of the milk teeth and the spaces between the teeth.
“A premature loss of milk teeth can lead to misaligned teeth, because the jaw growth is inhibited and the place-holding function for the permanent teeth under the milk teeth in the jaw is lost,” reports the health insurance Fund.
The Small should be early accustomed to brushing your teeth, the best from the first milk tooth.
Children can brush up at the end of the elementary school to independently correct the teeth. Until then, parents should check and clean.
“But also, if you do anything to orthodontics to prevent your child needs braces, your child might still have a tooth. Genes play a large role and cannot be influenced“, the health insurance Fund. (ad)