Why we need to research sex more post #MeToo
Feminist arguments around #MeToo have become bitter and divisive. Battle lines have been drawn, with discussion in many quarters turning […]
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Feminist arguments around #MeToo have become bitter and divisive. Battle lines have been drawn, with discussion in many quarters turning […] As Silicon Valley trendsetters, famous actors, and online health sites tout the low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic, or “keto,” diet, scientists are […] Today, nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults and 21 percent of youth are obese. This trend is on the upswing […] Scientists have created an elaborate map of more than a billion brain cell connections, helping to shed light on how […] Sometimes, a story pops up in the news that seems a little silly, but it’s intriguing enough that we just […] Everyone gets hiccups, but some people suffer intractable hiccups that last longer than a month, according to two Loyola Medicine […] We may not be able to change recent events in our lives, but how well we remember them plays a […] Anyone lost in a desert hallucinating mirages knows that extreme dehydration discombobulates the mind. But just two hours of vigorous […]
Why we need to research sex more post #MeToo
As the keto diet gains popularity, scientists explain what we do and don’t know
Obesity and diabetes—two reasons why we should be worried about the plastics that surround us
Map of a billion brain links reveals clues about how we think
Is 'Summer Penis' A Real Thing? We Asked a Doc If Guys Really Get Bigger In Warmer Months
Intractable hiccups may be more common than we think
Unless we spot changes, most life experiences are fabricated from memories
As we get parched, cognition can easily sputter, dehydration study says