2-year molars: Symptoms, remedies, and what to expect

According to the American Dental Association, 2-year molars typically come through when a child is between 23 and 33 months old.
The lower set usually appears between the ages of 23 and 31 months, while the upper set typically appears between the ages of 25 and 33 months.
Many toddlers show no signs of pain while teething. However, when these molars come through, it can be particularly painful and lead to crankiness and irritability.
In this article, learn to tell when the 2-year molars are coming in and how to reduce a child’s discomfort.
Getting 2-year molars can cause significant discomfort, and a child may not be able to communicate the cause of the pain.
Parents and caregivers can look for signs of the molars coming in. The child may:
- be chewing on toys, their fingers, or clothing
- be drooling more than usual
- be unusually irritable
- have a low-grade rectal temperature of about 99.0°F or 37.2°C
Two-year molars and dental pain do not lead to higher-grade fevers or an upset stomach. A child with either symptom may have a cold or a stomach-related illness.
A child’s teething symptoms may seem to grow worse at night, when the child is tired and has fewer distractions from the pain.
A child experiencing pain in the gums and mouth may not be inclined to show the area to an adult. Singing a song or playing a game that involves sticking out the tongue and opening the mouth wide can help.
If home remedies are not relieving 2-year molar pain, it may be a good idea to make an appointment with the child’s doctor.
Teething should not make a child feel ill. Speak with a doctor if the child exhibits any of the following symptoms:
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- a fever higher than 100.4°F or 38.0°C
These symptoms can indicate the presence of underlying illness, such as a viral infection.
Baby teeth eventually fall out, but they serve an important purpose. They act as placeholders, preventing the permanent teeth from growing in when the mouth is still too small.
Caring for a child with 2-year molar pain can sometimes be difficult. It is important to maintain the child’s routine as much as possible and provide them with plenty of distractions.
Home remedies can help. It is essential to remember that teething pain is temporary and that the child will feel well again once the teeth have fully come in.
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